Photo © Hervé Jacqmin
¿Who's The Cuban? mixes the essence of Cuban music with hints of rock, pop and psychedelia. From this original fusion comes a tropicalized, electric, danceable mix with a live performance full of energy.
PAFATA - new ALBUM - 2023
Navigating between Cuban popular music and 70's influences, ¿Who's The Cuban? cross the Caribbean arc floating their pop, rock and psychedelic flag. The brass attack is full-frontal, the cowbell resonates under the chopsticks and the female/male vocal duo provides refinement and subtlety over the guitar melodies. The roads taken are sometimes different and can lead towards poetry or force you to dance. Yet the flame that gave them birth always comes from the same place: Cuba. Connected to the port of Havana as if by a rhythmic storm, ¿Who's The Cuban? allow themselves explorations and adventures. The band launches at full speed into a percussive and brassy rush that propels them right off the radar and is sometimes immersed in a psychedelic trip illuminated by futuristic keyboards but never loses musical contact with the island. No matter how far they travel or how high they climb, Cuba is always visible, even when conventional structures are challenged by more electric Yoruba trances.
Artwork : Anne Caesar van Wieren
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"¿Who’s The Cuban? nourrit sa pop latine de gouaille cliente, de salsa cuivrée, de chanson catalane et de batterie plus rock. Leur tout nouvel album, Pafata, élargit un peu plus les contours de leur fusion dansante, de l’Europe aux Caraïbes, en passant par l’Afrique." Télérama

"¿Who’s The Cuban?, le son rock latino ! Derrière ce nom en forme d’interjection se cache un alliage musical métissé où se mêlent les rythmes cubains, le rock et la pop. Un shaker sonore porteur de textes caliente" RFI Musique

"Avec Pafata, son second album studio, le combo nancéen ¿ Who’s The Cuban ? fait ce qu’il a toujours su faire de mieux, se réinventer." Que Tal Paris

"La musique est par essence un art pur, vivant, fait de connexions et de vibrations. À travers la complicité qui est au cœur de son inspiration, le groupe ¿Who’s The Cuban? symbolise à l’évidence cette définition essentielle." Indie Music